Osteochondrosis: phases, causes, treatment

Osteochondrosis -Degenerative-dystrophic damage to spinal tissues, characterized by damage to the intervertebral discs, adjacent articular surfaces and vertebral bodies, the spinal ligament apparatus.

Most of the time, the pathological processes in osteochondrosis affect the bones and ligaments first. The fact that the disease has already started, we usually learn when complications appear - pain, sensory disturbances, muscle atrophy, rupture of internal organs.

Who suffers from osteochondrosis?

Currently, 40 to 90% of the world's population suffers from osteochondrosis. Most of the time, the disease affects people over 30 years old. However, the first symptoms of osteochondrosis can appear in adolescence.

Developmental stages of spinal osteochondrosis

  • The first stage in the development of osteochondrosis.

    Dehydration of the nucleus pulposus begins. This leads to a decrease in disc height. Cracks appear in the annulus fibrosus, but the pathological process does not extend beyond the intervertebral disc.

  • The second stage in the development of osteochondrosis.

    As a result of the decrease in disc height, the attachment points of muscles and ligaments belonging to two adjacent vertebrae come closer together. So the muscles and ligaments gave way. This can lead to excessive mobility of the two vertebrae in relation to each other, that is, instability of the vertebral-motor segment is formed. This phase is characterized by slippage or displacement of the vertebrae in relation to each other with the formation of spondylolisthesis.

  • The third stage in the development of osteochondrosis.

    During this period, the most pronounced morphological changes occur, which concern mainly the intervertebral discs themselves: prolapses and protrusions of the discs are formed. The articular apparatus of the vertebral-motor segment also suffers. In the intervertebral and non-covertebral joints, subluxations occur and arthrosis forms.

  • The fourth stage in the development of osteochondrosis.

    At this stage, adaptive changes occur in the affected segments of the spine. The body tries to overcome the excessive mobility of the vertebrae, immobilize the spine to maintain its support and protection functions. In this sense, marginal bone growths appear on the adjacent surfaces of the vertebral bodies, that is, osteophytes. An osteophyte that has grown "in the wrong place" causes microtraumatization of the nerve root. In the fourth stage, fibrous ankylosis processes usually begin in the intervertebral discs and joints. Ultimately, the motor-vertebral segment ends up being, so to speak, closed in a shell - the clinical manifestations diminish.

  • Causes of osteochondrosis

    In each of the many existing theories about the development of osteochondrosis, several causes are accepted as responsible for the onset of the disease, for example, mechanical injury, hereditary predisposition or metabolic disturbances. A particular difficulty in determining the cause of osteochondrosis is due to the fact that this disease can occur in both elderly and young, physically fit and with less training. There is a widespread belief that the cause of osteochondrosis is the deposition of salts in the spine: supposedly on x-rays, salt can be seen in the form of "growths" or "hooks" in the vertebrae. If during the movement there is a pop and a pop at the joints, as if sand were being poured between them, for many patients the only reason for this condition is the notorious "salt deposition". These misconceptions are by no means harmless: the correct idea of ways to treat a disease can be determined based on an analysis of the causes that caused it.

    The term "osteochondrosis" comes from the Greek roots osteon - "bone" and chondr - "cartilage". The "-oz" ending means that the bone and cartilage disease is not associated with inflammatory processes, it is of a degenerative-dystrophic nature, that is, the basis of the disease is tissue malnutrition and, as a consequence, tissue degeneration. structure. Like all living tissue, the bony tissue of the vertebrae and the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs are constantly reorganizing and self-renewing. Under the influence of regular physical effort, they acquire strength and elasticity and, in the absence of loads, tissue resistance decreases.

    This is due to the peculiarities of nutrition and blood supply to bone and cartilage tissue. Adult discs do not have their own vessels, they receive nutrients and oxygen from neighboring tissues. Therefore, for proper nutrition of the discs, it is necessary to activate blood circulation in the tissues that surround them. And this can only be achieved through intense muscular work.

    According to its composition, the intervertebral disc can be divided into two parts: it is the gelatinous nucleus that gives elasticity to the disc, located in the center, and the strong fibrous ring around it. Due to the deterioration of the nutrition of the intervertebral discs, the complex structure of biopolymer compounds that make up the nucleus pulposus is destroyed. The moisture content in the gelatinous core decreases and becomes more fragile. When exposed to even small overloads, the gelatinous nucleus can disintegrate into fragments. This leads to an even greater decrease in its elasticity. There is also a decrease in the strength of the fibrous disc rings. All of these factors create the basis and cause the development of osteochondrosis.

    To restore spinal function, healing of the intervertebral disc injury, mobilization of the compensatory capacities of the spine, as well as of the musculoskeletal system as a whole, is necessary, rather than reabsorption of "salt deposits" or elimination of "thorns" in the vertebrae. When performing an X-ray examination after the end of treatment, it can be seen that the vertebrae have not changed shape. And the notorious "thorns" are not the cause of osteochondrosis, but a consequence of adaptive processes. Marginal growths increase the support surface area of the vertebral body. By increasing the area, the specific pressure decreases, which makes it possible to compensate for the decrease in strength and elasticity of the intervertebral disc.

    Degenerative dystrophic changes that occur in the spine are accompanied by calcification (calcification) of damaged discs, individual sections of articular ligaments, cartilage, capsules. This process can only be called salt deposition. Therefore, this is not the cause of osteochondrosis, but only a consequence and the final step in the above process.

    Reverse development of structural changes in the spine is nearly impossible. But keeping them to a minimum is a very real challenge. If no effort is made to keep the spine in the same condition obtained with the treatment, the pain may reappear.

    Clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis


    The clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis are very diverse. They depend on the stage of development of osteochondrosis. The main clinical symptoms of osteochondrosis occur when the pathological process extends to the posterior part of the annulus fibrosus and the posterior longitudinal ligament. Depending on the stage of degeneration of the intervertebral discs, irritation, compression or impaired conduction of the spinal cord roots, vessel or spinal cord compression may occur. Several neurological syndromes develop - reflex and compression.

    The main cause of pain in osteochondrosis is called nerve root irritation. In this case, circulatory disturbances occur, edema occurs and, in the future, fibrosis of the surrounding structures may develop, which is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of the roots to various influences (movements in the affected segment of the spine, etc. )

    Vascular disorders in osteochondrosis are often associated with impaired vasomotor innervation. Mechanical compression of blood vessels by osteophytes, for example in the cervical spine, is also possible.

    Osteochondrosis Symptoms

    One of the characteristics of spinal osteochondrosis that aggravates the process is its very extensive symptoms. The disease can manifest itself in completely different parts of the body. It can be pain or numbness in the extremities or disorders and pain in Organs internal organs. At the same time, the person often does not associate pain in the heart region, abnormalities in the functioning of Organs genital organs, headaches, pain and numbness in the legs with osteochondrosis and in general in the spine, dealing with the "treatment" Direct the symptoms of osteochondrosis with the help of various types of pain relievers, all kinds of advertised medications, dietary supplements and other methods. But this path only aggravates the situation. Osteochondrosis continues to develop, and the treatment methods used, at best, simply do not lead to significant improvement, except for temporary pain relief, and at worst, they can further damage the body.

    Therefore, it is important to carefully analyze your condition and the changes that take place in it. It is necessary to start moving in the right direction: consult the doctor in a timely manner, make the necessary diagnoses and only after determining the correct diagnosis, start the treatment under the supervision of the treating physician.

    The main symptoms of osteochondrosis include, first of all, back pain and discomfort. At the same time, the pains can be of a periodic and unstable nature, now appearing and then disappearing. But the first sensation of discomfort or pain in your spine should make you think. The appearance of the first pains is a sign to at least pay attention to it, to try to remember why it arose. This can be caused by lifting a heavy object, sudden movement, falling, etc.

    Another symptom of osteochondrosis is accompanying discomfort or back pain with pain and numbness in the extremities (arms or legs). The pain usually radiates to the left limb, that is, to the left arm or leg. In addition, pain may manifest itself in the heart region, in the back, and not only in the spine region, but for example, in the ribs, etc. It is especially important in this case to pay attention to the nature of the change in pain depending on the patient's actions, comparing the sensations of back pain with pain, for example, in the leg. If the patient has been sitting for a long time and has pain or numbness in the feet, discomfort in the lower back and, after a short warm-up or walking, the pain has disappeared, then this will be an indirect sign that determines lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine. The same image can be with the neck and the arm. In summary, we can state that the main symptoms of osteochondrosis include back pain and discomfort. In the event that these symptoms coincide with pain in other parts of the body, osteochondrosis can be complicated by protrusion, herniated disc, with a pinched nerve.

    Furthermore, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even with the onset of the first pain in the spine, it is necessary to pay special attention to this discomfort. After all, osteochondrosis can manifest itself weakly or not for a long time. At the same time, it will continue to develop successfully in the spine, leading to the degradation of an increasing number of discs. Therefore, a timely consultation with the doctor will allow an early diagnosis of osteochondrosis, which will facilitate its treatment.

    Osteochondrosis and salt deposition

    Osteophytes, or hook-shaped growths of vertebrae, appear to reduce the load on the intervertebral discs. In this case, the appearance of osteophytes impairs the mobility of the intervertebral joints.

    The common opinion in everyday life that salt deposition is the main cause of osteochondrosis is erroneous. Therefore, treating osteochondrosis with a salt-free diet is meaningless.

    The most common complaints of osteochondrosis of the spine

    The most common complaints in osteochondrosis are as follows:

    • Discomfort in various parts of the spine. The pain can range from mild, dull, pulling to strong, sometimes very intense and unbearable - with lumbago.
    • Increased fatigue at work, both physical and mental.
    • Sensory impairment in limbs and various parts of the body, chills in arms or legs.
    • Pain radiating to legs, along nerve trunks.
    • Pain that radiates to the scapula, shoulder, as well as pain in the neck and back of the neck.
    • A frequent companion of cervical osteochondrosis are headaches, dizziness. Increased visual fatigue or decreased visual acuity is frequently observed.
    • With the defeat of the lumbosacral region, disorders of the reproductive system are common - various sexual dysfunctions. Therefore, in most men, after treatment, there is an increase in sexual potency. In women, the normal functioning of the lumbosacral area increases the likelihood of conception and contributes to a comfortable pregnancy.

    Osteochondrosis diagnosis

    To diagnose osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take an anamnesis. In this case, it is essential to establish the patient's complaints. Certain symptoms of osteochondrosis are quite typical. Others, on the other hand, must be distinguished from signs of other illnesses. It is important that the nervous, vascular and trophic disorders that occur in osteochondrosis can simulate various diseases, such as angina pectoris, gastritis, gastric ulcers, acute surgical diseases of Organs abdominal organs. Therefore, to avoid misdiagnosis and later prescription of incorrect treatment, each symptom must be submitted to a detailed analysis.

    When collecting the anamnesis, including the patient's complaints, the history of the current disease and the patient's life, the physician pays attention to age, as osteochondrosis develops more frequently in older people and the evolution of symptoms from onset to the departure of the patient to the doctor. For osteochondrosis, slow development is characteristic, in which periods of exacerbation are periodically replaced by periods of remission. Additional research methods are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

    X-ray tests for osteochondrosis

    The most accessible method for diagnosing osteochondrosis and, at the same time, very informative is the radiographic examination. There are several types of X-ray method to diagnose this disease:

    Simple spine X-ray is the simplest X-ray method for diagnosing osteochondrosis. Its essence is to obtain an X-ray of the spine as a whole or of its individual segments. Most of the time, a vision x-ray is performed - based on the symptoms of the disease and the patient's complaints, the location of the spinal lesion is determined. In the radiography of the spinal segment affected by osteochondrosis, there is a decrease in the thickness (atrophy) of the intervertebral discs, which is manifested as a reduction in the space between the vertebrae, appearance of bone growth of the vertebral bodies - osteophytes, partial dissolution - resorption of the bone tissue of the vertebral body, a change in the shape of the spinal segment, eg smoothing of the lumbar lordosis.

    Myelography is a more complex and dangerous diagnostic method. During this exam, a certain amount of contrast fluid is injected into the spinal canal. The risk of this method of examination is the possibility of allergic reactions to the contrast agent or the risk of spinal cord injury during spinal canal puncture. Thanks to myelography, the internal structure of the spinal canal can be determined. This method is especially informative for the determination of spinal hernias.

    Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are the most modern methods, but also the most expensive and difficult to access for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis. These diagnostic methods are often used when it is necessary to differentiate osteochondrosis from other spinal diseases that have similar symptoms, for example, spinal canal tumors.

    For a comprehensive assessment of the patient's condition, a neurological examination of the patient with osteochondrosis is mandatory. Thanks to a neurological consultation, it is possible to clarify the location and degree of motor and sensory disturbances.

    Osteochondrosis Treatment

    The clinic offers effective treatment for all forms of osteochondrosis. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Treatment is based on a comprehensive program aimed at quickly eliminating the underlying syndrome and the cause causing the suffering. As part of complex therapy, the following methods can be used:

    • acupuncture;
    • vacuum therapy;
    • gentle manual therapy techniques (post-isometric relaxation);
    • laser therapy;
    • pharmacopuncture;
    • dry traction;
    • magnetopuncture;
    • electrical stimulation and other treatment methods.

    On average, the course of treatment is 10-15 sessions, and the elimination of acute pain syndrome is 1 to 3 sessions.

    The sooner treatment is started, the better the result!

    Is complete elimination of osteochondrosis real?

    It depends on the form of the disease, severity, accuracy and timeliness of treatment. Complete healing is only possible in the early stages.

    But it is possible to prevent osteochondrosis exacerbations, not feel pain for years. If a person has had osteochondrosis but is now feeling no discomfort, it does not mean that it has passed without a trace. There may be column changes.

    The main task is to suspend the development of the disease and do everything possible so that some of the pathological changes in the spine disappear, the symptoms disappear or decrease (back pain, cold snap and numbness in the arms, legs, headaches, etc. ). )